Monday, November 13, 2023
Time to read: About 4 minutes. Contains 809 words.
Good morning!
Whew, this month is flying by. All of a sudden, it’s been more than a few weeks since the last Sticky Bits podcast drop as well—I’m working on getting the next one in the books, rest assured.
I do have one recorded chat to share: A virtual panel on building wellness brands in cannabis. I joined Beryl Solomon, founder of e-tailer Poplar, and Almaz Adeigbola, founder of New Jersey CBD brick-and-mortar Brwn Box, for a conversation moderated by High on Feminism’s founder Jessica Poulin. We talk trends, what we look for as curators of products and launch coverage, how to leverage social media, and advice for young women entering the cannabis industry. You can listen to it in full via YouTube.
An update on the Lonely Hearts Board: I think I got ahead of myself with such a short submission window. Considering everyone in any form of retail is knee-deep in Black Friday/Cyber Monday gnar right now—and a big chunk of our community will head to the big MJ BizCon gathering in Las Vegas right after—I think it’s worth giving more time for more folks to submit posts.
The holiday Lonely Hearts Board will now run on December 1. You have until end of day on November 27 to submit your post to with “Lonely Hearts” in the subject line. (If you’re new here, check out past Boards for more info).
Personally, I won’t be at MJ BizCon this year. I attended the massive trade show/business conference in 2021 (you can read my unfiltered takeaways in this past dispatch). The flashy fun of Vegas is not my ideal networking environment, but I can’t deny that a lot of hands are shaken and checks written throughout the course of the event (and its afterparties). Thinking back on my experiences last time inspired a different kind of dispatch today: a guide to weed conference essentials. For those who aren’t heading to BizCon, these must-haves will still make a big difference at any sort of weed biz gatherings in your future.
Weed Conference Essentials
Tools & Tips for optimal schmoozing.
Jointlocker. You know how the best conversations at the function always happen on the smoking patio? The same goes at MJ BizCon. Some of the most fruitful business card swapping happens ‘round the taped-off smoking areas by the parking lot. Have a joint and lighter at the ready.
Physical Biz Cards. I’m sure there will be an on-site app, some kind of e-contact card swap available—and I’m sure few will use it. When I went, physical cards were still king. Especially when they looked good. Bring plenty.
Smellproof-pouch. If you’re traveling there or intend to return with any samples, you won’t regret having something to contain the scent. You also can’t assume you’ll have time to make it to one of the city’s over-the-top dispensaries between business meetings, panels, and parties (I didn’t).
Glass Joint Holder. You’ll be a little underslept and overstimulated the whole time—no need to test your immune system with someone else’s lingering cold. These keep your lips from making contact with a shared joint.
Fake Plants. If you are working a booth and didn’t go all-out on creative design and decor, there’s an easy way to stand out in the crowded exhibition hall: plants. The maze of booths is a cacophony of LED lights, vinyl banners, and metal framing, with little to no natural light for long stretches of space. When I was there, any hints of nature—real or otherwise—drew in attendees like moths to a flame.
Wrist Watch. You don’t want to miss that important meeting because your phone died. And when it comes to the afterparties, don’t dawdle—I got onto most lists but only made it into a couple of them because, by the time I arrived, the soirees were at capacity.
Backup Flats. Ladies, I know that impulse to bust out the fun heels for Vegas nights. I encourage you to let that fashion girl flag fly, and I recommend you come prepared for the point in the night/early morning that you regret the decision to do so.
Soothing Lozenges. Like many long-term tokers, Traditional Medicinals’ Throat Coat licorice root tea is key to my respiratory wellbeing. I just learned they make lozenges! Handy for healing after several hours of shouting small talk and business pitches over the din of a casino.
Splitwise. With Vegas prices, it’s wise to find a buddy to share expenses with wherever possible. This game-changing app makes it easy to keep everyone on the same page about who owes who what for group dinners, shared Lyft rides, dispensary orders, etc.
Traveling Ashtray. Doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the woods or the middle of The Strip. Leave no trace.
Happy sesh scheduling,
Lauren Yoshiko