I stopped smoking cold turkey back in March bc I noticed the dispensary strains were giving me heart palpitations and making me anxious. Someone gave me some of their homegrown and the difference in my body was like night and day. It confirmed my suspicion that it’s not the weed itself, but whatever they’re doing to mass produce it. Learning about the astrology of the plant gave me a deeper respect for using it, too, and I approach it differently than I did before I quit.

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Since I cut back from hourly consumption, I've noticed how much more my body agrees with sungrown flower as well. The high is stronger, longer, and happier, I swear. My current landlord has a strict no cannabis growing clause which has held me back from growing at home :( but I look forward to when I can.

I'm very curious about the astrology you speak of! Is that in regards to when a seed is planted/harvested?

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Same re: landlord! I’d love to grow my own if they’d just let me be great lol! Marijuana is a Saturn/Neptune plant, so it can be very drying and restricting (Saturn), but also help you tap into collective consciousness (Neptune). Understanding it that way made me approach it with more reverence than I did before when I was just smoking it as a habit. Now I take my time and pay attention to the way it feels in my body.

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